
Dom Williamson, an independent consultant working in the homelessness sector, currently coordinates and chairs the WHP.

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To receive the newsletter regularly please send an email to Dom Williamson at  and Suzi Ratcliffe at with the title WHP Newsletter sign up. 

If you need help

The WHP does not provide direct services. The information below provides information about how you can report that someone is rough sleeping or contact the council about housing problems.

If you see a rough sleeper on the street and are concerned about their welfare, please alert StreetLink using their app, or via the StreetLink website. This will help local outreach teams try to connect with people you are worried about. You can also self-refer using StreetLink if you are rough sleeping.

If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness, you can contact the council for advice through this website:

Please also visit the websites of our partner organisations who provide direct support to people experiencing homelessness in Westminster: